Dynamic Simulation of Dual-Speed Wind Turbine Generation

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Induction generators have been used since the early development of utility-scale wind turbine generation. An induction generator is the generator of choice because of its ruggedness, and low cost. With an induction generator, the operating speed of the wind turbine is limited to a narrow range (almost constant speed). Dualspeed operation can be accomplished by using an induction generator withtwo different sets of winding configurations or by using two induction generators with two different rated speeds. With single-speed operation, the wind turbine operates at different power coefficients (Cp) as the wind speed varies. The operation at maximum Cp can occur only at a single wind speed. However, if the wind speed varies across a wider range, the operating Cp will vary significantly.Dual-speed operation has the advantage of enabling the wind turbine to operate at near maximum Cp over a wider range of wind-speeds. Thus, annual energy production can be increased. The dual-speed mode may generate less energy than a variable-speed mode; nevertheless, it offers an alternative to capture more energy than single-speed. operation. In this paper, dual-speed operation of a windturbine will be investigated. One type of control algorithm for dualspeed operation is proposed. Results from a dynamic simulation will be presented to show how the control algorithm works and how power, current, and torque of the system vary as the wind turbine is exposed to varying wind speeds.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages12
StatePublished - 1996
EventPOWERSYSTEMS WORLD '96 - Ventura, California
Duration: 7 Sep 199613 Sep 1996


CityVentura, California

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-440-21410


  • dual speed
  • induction generator
  • turbines
  • wind


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