title = "Eastern Renewable Generation Integration Study: Flexibility and High Penetrations of Wind and Solar: NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)",
abstract = "Balancing wind and solar in a model is relatively easy. All you need to do is assume a very large system with infinite flexibility! But what if you don't have an infinitely flexible system? What if there are thousands of generators nestled in a handful of regions that are unlikely to change their operational practices? Would you still have enough flexibility to balance hundreds of gigawatts of wind and solar at a 5 minute level? At NREL, we think we can, and our industry partners agree. This presentation was presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting by Aaron Bloom, highlighting results of the Eastern Renewable Generation Integration Study.",
keywords = "eastern interconnection, eastern renewable generation integration study, ERGIS, power and energy society",
author = "Aaron Bloom and Aaron Townsend and Joseph Palchak",
year = "2015",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting, 26-30 July 2015, Denver, Colorado",
type = "Other",