Effect of Junction Depth on the Parameters of GaAs Shallow-Homojunction Solar Cells

A. E. Blakeslee, H. Aharoni, M. W. Wanlass, A. Kibbler, K. Emery, C. R. Osterwald

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

4 Scopus Citations


A diagnostic study of the photovoltaic parameters of the GaAs shallow-homojunction solar cell has been carried out. Two types of n** plus /p/p** plus cells, 'deep' and 'shallow', were fabricated for the study. The former used as-grown MOCVD structures with n** plus layer thickness ranging from 750 to 14,500 angstrom; for the latter, a device with a 600-angstrom n** plus layer was thinned down to failure by successive chemical etching. The deep devices exhibited an approximately exponential decrease of J//s //c over the whole range of junction depth. The light-dependent parameters of the shallow cells exhibited maxima at slightly different n** plus thicknesses. The maximum in efficiency occurred at 400 angstrom. Computer modeling was able to predict the dependence of J//s //c on junction depth for both shallow and deep cells. This dependence was different in the two cases because the material properties of the two sets of devices were different.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 1985
EventEighteenth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference-1985 - Las Vegas, Nevada
Duration: 21 Oct 198525 Oct 1985


ConferenceEighteenth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference-1985
CityLas Vegas, Nevada

NREL Publication Number

  • ACNR/CP-212-7800


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