title = "Effective Quantification of Wind-Speed Variability at Different Temporal Scales",
abstract = "RCoV, a statistically robust and resistant metric, effectively characterizes and correlates the spreads of the distributions of wind resources and wind-energy productions. Using RCoV, a wind farm with high wind-speed fluctuations possesses high variations in wind-energy generation and vice versa. Because the long-term correlations between the wind-speed and energy-production interannual variabilities are weak and decrease with the length of data, we do not recommend calculating variabilities with yearly mean data. Skewness and kurtosis drastically change with averaging time frames. Nonzero skewness and kurtosis illustrate that the Gaussian assumption is principally inadequate in most of the United States for all averaging time frames of wind speeds.",
keywords = "resource distribution, uncertainty, variabilities, wind power, wind-speed fluctuations",
author = "Lee, {Cheuk Yi Joseph} and Michael Fields and Julie Lundquist",
year = "2018",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the AWEA Wind Resource & Project Energy Assessment Conference 2018, 11-12 September 2018, Austin, Texas",
type = "Other",