title = "Effects of PV Module Soiling on Glass Surface Resistance and Potential-Induced Degradation",
abstract = "The goals of the project were: determine applicability of transmission line method (TLM) to evaluate sheet resistance of soils on module glass; evaluate various soils on glass for changes in surface resistance and their ability to promote potential-induced degradation with humidity (PID); and evaluate PID characteristics, rate, and leakage current increases on full-size mc-Si modules associated with a conductive soil on the surface.",
keywords = "dust, photovoltaic modules, potential-induced degradation, sea salt, soiling, soot, surface resistance",
author = "Peter Hacke and Kent Terwilliger and Patrick Button and Alex Hendrickson and Sergiu Spataru",
year = "2015",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 14-19 June 2015, New Orleans, Louisiana",
type = "Other",