EGS Reservoir Modeling for Developing Geothermal District Heating at Cornell University: Preprint

Koenraad Beckers, Adam Hawkins, Burak Erdinc, Jefferson Tester

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Cornell University is pursuing development of an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) for providing heating to its main campus in Upstate New York. A ~10,000 ft (~3 km) deep vertical observation well ("CUBO") was drilled in 2022 to characterize the subsurface using wellbore logging, borehole imaging, fluid sampling, mini-frac tests, coring and drill cutting analysis. Down-hole temperatures measured at 3 km depth are about 80 degrees C, sufficiently high for direct-use heating. The well drilled through generally low porosity and low permeability Paleozoic sedimentary formations and into metamorphic basement rock, encountered at about 9,400 ft depth. Leveraging subsurface data obtained through CUBO, we investigated technical feasibility and design requirements of a doublet well system with horizontal laterals connected to a fracture network created through hydraulic fracturing. The EGS reservoir is sized to provide a nominal heat output in the range 5 to 10 MWth of continuous heating over a 15 year-lifetime with limited thermal drawdown. We applied the Gringarten Multiple parallel fracture model, the Cornell Discrete Fracture Simulator FOXFEM and the commercial simulator ResFrac to estimate required heat transfer area and design a potential hydraulic stimulation treatment. Reservoir simulations indicate that, depending on fluid flow rate and injection temperature, 2 to 3 km2 of effective fracture heat transfer area is required to supply the target heat output of 5 to 10 MWth over 15 years.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages20
StatePublished - 2024
EventGeothermal Rising Conference - Waikoloa, Hawaii
Duration: 27 Oct 202430 Oct 2024


ConferenceGeothermal Rising Conference
CityWaikoloa, Hawaii

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5700-90305


  • district heating
  • earth-source heat
  • EGS
  • reservoir modeling


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