title = "Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Business Model and Tariff Design Support to the Lao PDR",
abstract = "This presentation covers an overview of Electric Vehicle (EV) and EV Supply Equipment (EVSE) deployment objectives in the Lao PDR, an introduction to EV and EVSE government and utility motivations, introduction to business models for EVSE in the Lao PDR.",
keywords = "electric vehicles, EVs, Lao PDR, Laos, tariff design, tariffs, USAID, USAID-NREL Partnership",
author = "Kaylyn Bopp and Owen Zinaman and Nathan Lee",
year = "2020",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Business Model and Tariff Design Support to the Lao PDR Webinar, 22 May 2020",
type = "Other",