title = "Electric Vehicles at Scale (EVs@Scale) Laboratory Consortium",
abstract = "The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Electric Vehicles at Scale Lab Consortium (EVs@Scale Lab Consortium) is accelerating research to support the establishment of a secure and scalable national network of charging infrastructure. This network will be critical to support tens of millions of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty EVs on American roads by 2030. The EVs@Scale Lab Consortium brings together national laboratories and key stakeholders to conduct infrastructure research and development (R&D) that advances innovations in, and sets unified standards for, high-power and wireless charging. The effort will also develop technologies to integrate vehicle charging with the power grid, and develop cybersecurity measures to protect drivers, vehicles, equipment, and the grid.",
keywords = "electric vehicles, Electric Vehicles at Scale, smart charge management, vehicle grid integration",
author = "Andrew Meintz",
year = "2022",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the 2022 Vehicle Technologies Office Annual Merit Review, 21-23 June 2022, Washington, D.C.",
type = "Other",