Electrification Futures Study: Operational Analysis of U.S. Power Systems with Increased Electrification and Demand-Side Flexibility

Ella Zhou, Trieu Mai

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


This report provides a high-resolution U.S. national-scale power systems assessment of scenarios with widespread electrification using detailed grid simulations. We find that high electrification scenarios envisioned in the Electrification Futures Study can be operated at the hourly level to meet future increased levels of electrified demand and, under the most aggressive cases, with up to 66% of generation from wind and solar technologies. The analysis also examines the value of flexibility from demand by supporting system operability under high electrification and high renewable systems. Demand-side flexibility—especially flexibility from newly electrified loads—is found to enhance the operational efficiency by reducing VRE curtailment and increasing utilization of generators with lower operating costs. It can also enhance the ability of electrification to decarbonize the energy sector.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages81
StatePublished - 2021

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-6A20-79094


  • decarbonization
  • demand response
  • demand-side management
  • electrification
  • energy system modeling
  • power system operation
  • production cost modeling
  • renewable integration


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