Electrification of Airport Shuttle Operations

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Fleet owners are increasingly looking to adopt electric vehicles, however careful consideration is needed to ensure electric vehicles can perform their duty without impacting operations. This work examines a fleet of 200 Dallas-Fort Worth airport shuttle buses to estimate the opportunity for vehicle electrification. Analysis suggests unique pathways to electrification for each mode of operation, and unique benefits and challenges whether they serve employee lots, rental car lots, remote lots, or aircraft hardstand operations. These analyses include daily energy consumption, charging opportunities; emissions impacts; and charging location potential using hotspot analysis. Results highlight the most promising candidates for electrification and provide pathways for future electrification.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages12
StatePublished - 2020
Event33rd Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS33) - Portland, Oregon
Duration: 14 Jun 202017 Jun 2020


Conference33rd Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS33)
CityPortland, Oregon

Bibliographical note

EVS33 was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the organizers--Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA)--elected to make the accepted and peer reviewed papers available as part of an open access library here: https://evs33portland.org/peer-reviewed-papers/

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5400-76503


  • battery electric vehicle
  • BEV
  • bus
  • electric vehicle
  • GPS
  • telematics


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