Electrolyte and Cutoff Potential Effects on Cycle Life of Li4Ti5O12/LiNi0.9Mn0.1O2 Batteries for Behind-the-Meter Storage Applications

Drew Pereira, Yicheng Zhang, Yeyoung Ha, Maxwell Schulze, Jihyeon Gim, Stephen Trask, Anthony Burrell, Katharine Harrison

Research output: NRELPresentation


Behind-the-Meter Storage (BTMS) is a stationary battery energy storage system that is connected to the electrical distribution system on the customer's side of the utility's service meter. BTMS systems are used to store electrical energy from the grid as well as inconstant, renewable energy, such as local solar and wind generation. A successful BTMS system will allow the customer to pair their energy generation and storage to optimize electrical consumption from the grid, improving reliability and minimizing cost. For BTMS applications, batteries must be designed and optimized with different set of criteria from other leading segments of the Li-ion battery market, like transportation, due the system being stationary and proximal to the residential or commercial building it's benefitting. BTMS applications prioritize safety, cost (low/no-critical materials), reliability (20-year calendar life), and durability (10,000 cycle life), while having the ability to (minimally) compromise energy density and rate capability. Lithium titanate (Li4Ti5O12-, LTO) is a promising anode candidate for BTMS applications due to its high safety and capacity retention, while maintaining a reasonable 160 mAhg-1 reversable capacity and composition of relatively abundant materials. (1) Specifically, LTO has a high working voltage which helps to prevent Li dendrite formation, improving safety. Furthermore, LTO also has negligible lithiation-based volume change, leading to less mechanical pulverization, or loss of active material, upon cycling. For the cathode, materials with little or no Co are of high interest due to the high cost and low abundance of Co. LiMn2O4 (LMO) has been paired with LTO for BTMS applications in the past due to its safety, low cost (abundancy), and reasonably high operating voltage. (2-4) However, the low capacity of LMO limits energy density and specific energy. While not the highest priority for BTMS applications, increasing energy density will enable deployment in space constrained BTMS applications and decrease total cost. LiNi0.9Mn0.1O2 (LN-MO) is a recently developed material with promise due to its high operating voltage and relatively low price. (5) However, Ni-rich layered oxides, including LNMO, tend to struggle with capacity retention during high-voltage cycling due to mechanical pulverization, irreversible phase transitions, and unstable solid-electrolyte interphase. The study presented here focuses on building an understanding of how electrolyte solvent and varied cutoff potentials will impact the cycle life of LTO/LN-MO cells. Specifically, a comparison is provided between ethylene carbonate (EC), ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC), fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC), and Gen2 electrolyte solvents with 1M Lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) salt, cycling to two upper termination potentials, 2.6V and 2.7V. Electrochemical testing and diagnostics (e.g., differential capacity analysis, area specific impedance, constant voltage hold, and rate capability) and post-mortem characterization will be used to understand the aging behavior and failure mechanisms of the 8 cell combinations (four electrolytes and two voltage cutoffs). Cells with FEC electrolyte showed a lower initial capacity compared to cells with Gen2, EMC, and EC cycling at both voltages; however, the cells with FEC showed consistent trends in capacity retention with 2.6V and 2.7V termination potentials, while the cells with the other electrolytes showed much higher rates of capacity loss when cycling to the higher voltage. These results indicate that FEC may play a role in improving durability of high-voltage, Ni-rich electrode systems for use in high-cycle applications, such as BTMS.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages24
StatePublished - 2024

Publication series

NamePresented at the 245th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting, 26-30 May 2024, San Francisco, California

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PR-5K00-89959


  • electrolyte
  • LNMO
  • LTO
  • voltage cutoff


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