title = "Enable Model-Based Diagnostics and Prognostics for Lithium-Ion Batteries",
abstract = "The poster discusses NREL's work to enable Model-Based Diagnostics and Prognostics for Lithium-Ion Batteries using enhanced computational efficiency, pack management and control, integrated safety modeling, and predictive lifetime modeling.",
keywords = "lithium-ion batteries, modeling, pack management, predictive lifetime, safety",
author = "Weijie Mai and Chuanbo Yang and Kandler Smith and Shriram Santhanagopalan and Ying Shi and Matthew Keyser",
year = "2019",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the International Battery Association 2019 (IBA 2019) Meeting, 3-8 March 2019, San Diego, California",
type = "Other",