Silicon is the dominant semiconductor in many semiconductor device applications for a variety of reasons, including both performance and cost. III-V materials have improved performance compared to silicon, but currently they are relegated to applications in high-value or niche markets due to the absence of a low-cost, high-quality production technique. Here we present an advance in III-V materials synthesis using hydride vapor phase epitaxy that has the potential to lower III-V semiconductor deposition costs by orders of magnitude while maintaining the requisite optoelectronic material quality that enables III-V-based technologies to outperform Si. We demonstrate the impacts of this advance by addressing the use of III-Vs in terrestrial photovoltaics, a highly cost-constrained market. The emergence of a low-cost III-V deposition technique will enable III-V electronic and opto-electronic devices, with all the benefits that they bring, to permeate throughout modern society.
Original language | American English |
Number of pages | 24 |
Journal | ArXiv.org |
State | Published - 2018 |
NREL Publication Number
- NREL/JA-5900-72106
- deposition
- optoelectronic materials
- semiconductors
- silicon