End-of-Life Evaluation of Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Tanks

Aaron Williams, Lauren Lynch

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


This study evaluated the structural integrity of Type III and Type IV CNG fuel tanks from the Los Angeles (LA) County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to characterize the fuel tank conditions after experiencing a full service life of 15 years in transit bus application. The data produced provide insight about the condition of the CNG fuel tanks at the conclusion of their defined EOL and potential risks of continued operation of the CNG vehicle without replacement of the expired fuel tanks. In addition to physical testing performed on the fuel tanks, a nondestructive evaluation of modal acoustic emission (MAE) was utilized to assess the structural integrity of the tanks. The CNG fuel tanks were evaluated in their received condition and after experiencing artificial damage. The MAE results were then compared to visual inspection results of the procedures defined in the Compressed Gas Association’s (CGA’s) C-6.2 and C-6.4 standards (Compressed Gas Association 2013; 2012) to better understand the effectiveness of the visual inspection and potential safety risks of continued use of the tanks.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages39
StatePublished - 2021

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5400-80446


  • compressed natural gas
  • natural gas
  • natural gas vehicle


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