End-Use Savings Shapes Measure Documentation: Heat Pump Rooftop Units With Exhaust Air Energy Recovery

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


This technical report documents the Advanced Rooftop Unit Control End Use Savings Shapes (EUSS) measure, including providing a description of the technology, modeling methods, and the energy savings calculated from applying the measure to applicable across the US commercial building stock using ComStock to quantify its potential. This measure replaces gas furnace and electric resistance rooftop units with high-efficiency variable speed heat pump rooftop units (HP-RTU) that include exhaust air heat or energy recovery. The measure uses the same assumptions and technology as the variable speed HP-RTU measure from EUSS 2023 release 1 but adds energy recovery to precondition outdoor ventilation air to reduce HVAC loads. The HP-RTU compressor lockout temperature is modeled as 0 degrees Fahrenheit; below this temperature, the heat pump is set to shut off. The unit is sized based on the design cooling loads, with backup electric resistance heating addressing any remaining loads including heating hours below the compressor lockout temperature when there is no heat pump heating.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages40
StatePublished - 2024

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5500-89481


  • building energy modeling
  • building stock energy modeling
  • commercial building decarbonization
  • commercial buildings
  • ComStock
  • energy recovery
  • heat pump rooftop units
  • heat pumps


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