End-Use Savings Shapes Measure Documentation: Thermostat Control for Load Shedding in Large Offices

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


This documentation focuses on a single End-Use Savings Shape measure - thermostat control for load shedding. The thermostat control for load shedding measure applies heating and cooling temperature setpoint offsets for reducing the heating and cooling load during peak window. The measure takes daily peak load schedule inputs generated by the method "Dispatch Schedule Generation" described in the "Supplemental Documentation: Dispatch Schedule Generation for Demand Flexibility Measures" to determine the start and end times of the peak window, and then adjusts the thermostat cooling and/or heating setpoints by an offset value from original schedules during the peak window to reduce the HVAC or whole building daily peak load. The measure is flexible and allows users to adjust the heating and cooling offset values respectively, but for this study, the adjustment for heating and cooling setpoints are set to -2 degrees Celsius and +2 degrees Celsius by default. The measure provides options of adding rebound control period (default 2 hours) after peak windows for the setpoints to be ramped back to default values, to prevent the system from generating higher peak demand with step changes of setpoints in post-peak periods . This measure is applicable t o large offices equipped with electric HVAC system (either electric cooling only or both electric heating and cooling), which account for approximately 8.72% of the ComStock floor area. The thermostat control for load shedding measure demonstrates 2-5% daily peak demand reduction and 0.068% total site energy savings (3 trillion British thermal units [TBtu]) for the U.S. commercial building stock modeled in ComStock.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages41
StatePublished - 2024

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5500-89340


  • ComStock
  • demand flexibility
  • demand response
  • EUSS
  • load shed
  • thermostat control


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