End-Use Savings Shapes Measure Documentation: Thermostat Control for Load Shifting in Large Offices

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


This documentation focuses on a single end-use savings shape measure - thermostat control for load shifting. The thermostat control for load shifting measure applies heating and cooling temperature setpoint adjustment for pre-conditioning before the peak window. The measure takes daily peak load sch edule inputs generated by the method "Dispatch Schedule Generation" described in the "Supplemental Documentation: Dispatch Schedule Generation for Demand Flexibility Measures" to determine the start time of the peak window, and then adjusts the thermostat cooling or heating setpoints by a specified offset value from original schedules to precool or preheat the space , for a specified length of time before the start of peak window, and thus shifts load in the peak window to the pre-conditioning period. The measure is flexible and allows users to adjust the heating and cooling offset values and length of pre-conditioning period, but for this study, the load shifting strategy is applied as pre-cooling only (adjusting only cooling setpoints). The default adjustment for cooling setpoints is set to -1 degrees Celsius , and the default duration of pre-cooling is 1 hour. This measure is applicable to large offices equipped with electric HVAC system, which account for approximately 8.72% of the ComStock floor area. The thermostat control for load shifting measure demonstrates -1% daily peak demand reduction and 0% total site energy savings (0 trillion British thermal units [TBtu]) for the U.S. commercial building stock modeled in ComStock.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages37
StatePublished - 2024

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5500-89341


  • ComStock
  • demand flexibility
  • demand response
  • EUSS
  • load shift
  • thermostat control


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