Energy System Modeling with REopt

Travis Simpkins, Katherine Anderson, Dylan Cutler, Daniel Olis, Emma Elgqvist, H. Walker, Nicholas DiOrio

Research output: NRELPoster


This poster details how REopt - NREL's software modeling platform for energy systems integration and optimization - can help to model energy systems. Some benefits of modeling with REopt include optimizing behind the meter storage for cost and resiliency, optimizing lab testing, optimizing dispatch of utility scale storage, and quantifying renewable energy impact on outage survivability.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2016

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PO-7A40-67125


  • battery
  • behind the meter
  • energy system modeling
  • REopt
  • resiliency
  • solar
  • storage


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