Enhanced DMFC Pt-Ru/C Based Catalyst Performance via N-Doped Support Materials

Tim S. Olson, Arrelaine Dameron, Svitlana Pylypenko, Katherine Hurst, April Corpuz, Steven Christensen, Justin Bult, David S. Ginley, Ryan O'Hayre, Huyen N. Dinh, Thomas Gennett

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Current state-of-the-art anode catalyst materials do not exhibit the needed catalytic activity and durability for commercial deployment of low temperature direct-methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). One route to enhance both methanol oxidation activity and long-term durability of supported Pt-Ru materials is to engineer functionalized support materials to stabilize the active catalyst particles. Previously, we have shown that carbon-based catalyst support materials can be doped with nitrogen via an ion-implantation procedure. The resulting C-N type interactions can be utilized to create strong, beneficial catalyst-support interactions, which substantially enhance catalyst activity and stability. A new class of fuel cell catalyst materials consisting of a nitrogen implanted carbon support followed by Pt-Ru sputter deposition will be evaluated. We will focus on elucidating 1) increased support/catalyst chemical binding (or "tethering"), which results in enhanced durability, and 2) effects that may enhance the methanol oxidation reaction activity. Here, data obtained in half cell as well as 5 cm 2 single cell DMFC configurations will be used to illustrate the effect of N-doped carbon support for Pt-Ru based DMFC anode catalyst materials.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2011
Event242nd ACS National Meeting and Exposition - Denver, CO, United States
Duration: 28 Aug 20111 Sep 2011


Conference242nd ACS National Meeting and Exposition
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityDenver, CO

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5200-53283


  • DMFC performance
  • N-doped support materials
  • Pt-Ru/C


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