EPAct Regulatory Programs

Research output: NRELManagement


The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Transportation Technology Integration group, within the Transportation & Hydrogen Systems Department, provides technical and analytical support to the Vehicle Technologies Office's (VTO's) Alternative Fuels Regulatory activity, which is mandated by federal legislation. Specifically, NREL supports DOE's implementation of Sections 507(o), 501, and 508 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) through the provision and management of information products and other technical, program, policy, and regulatory analyses. EPAct Sections 507(o) and 501 mandate that covered state and alternative fuel provider fleets (respectively) acquire alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) as specific percentages of their new light duty vehicles. EPAct Section 508 requires DOE to establish a vehicle credit trading program to provide compliance flexibility to covered fleets. In Fiscal Year 2019, NREL's work focused on two areas: State & Alternative Fuel Provider program support, and rulemaking and regulatory activities. In addition to project management and operational functions, NREL's role is to analyze, make recommendations and implement means to streamline this congressionally-mandated program. NREL also integrates work across several related alternative fuel programs to leverage resources and ensure that researchers have access to the latest developments and knowledge within related DOE research and development programs.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages3
StatePublished - 2020

Bibliographical note

See the Vehicle Technologies Office Technology Integration 2019 Annual Progress Report at https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2020/06/f75/VTO_2019_APR_Technology_Integration_Compliant__0.pdf

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/MP-5400-78687


  • alternative fuels
  • regulatory activity
  • Vehicle Technologies Office


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