Evaluation of Model Results and Measured Performance of Net-Zero Energy Homes in Hawaii: Preprint

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


The Kaupuni community consists of 19 affordable net-zero energy homes that were built within the Waianae Valley of Oahu, Hawaii in 2011. The project was developed for the native Hawaiian community led by the Department of Hawaiian Homelands. This paper presents a comparison of the modeled and measured energy performance of the homes. Over the first year of occupancy, the community as a wholeperformed within 1% of the net-zero energy goals. The data show a range of performance from house to house with the majority of the homes consistently near or exceeding net-zero, while a few fall short of the predicted net-zero energy performance. The impact of building floor plan, weather, and cooling set point on this comparison is discussed. The project demonstrates the value of usingbuilding energy simulations as a tool to assist the project to achieve energy performance goals. Lessons learned from the energy performance monitoring has had immediate benefits in providing feedback to the homeowners, and will be used to influence future energy efficient designs in Hawaii and other tropical climates.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 2013
Event2013 ASHRAE Annual Conference - Denver, Colorado
Duration: 22 Jun 201326 Jun 2013


Conference2013 ASHRAE Annual Conference
CityDenver, Colorado

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-7A30-58000


  • Department of Hawaiian Homelands
  • Hawaii
  • homes
  • Kaupuni
  • net-zero energy
  • Oahu


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