Evolution of CdS/CdTe Device Performance During Cu Diffusion

T. A. Gessert, S. Smith, T. Moriatry, M. Young, S. Asher, S. Johnston, A. Duda, C. DeHart, A. L. Fahrenbruch

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

20 Scopus Citations


Cu diffusion from a ZnTe:Cu/Ti back contact onto CdS/CdTe thin-film solar cells is studied. We find if Cu diffusion is insufficient, the entire CdTe layer is depleted. However, if Cu diffusion is excessive, the depletion width can become too narrow to provide optimum current collection. This analysis suggests that most contact processes used for CdS/CdTe devices are optimized (often unknowingly) to result in a depletion width that extends just far enough into the CdTe to yield the highest possible field in the region where light absorption occurs. Analysis of the samples with very high Cu concentration also suggests that Cu doping of CdS may affect carrier collection from the CdS.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 2005
Event31st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 2005 - Lake Buena Vista, FL, United States
Duration: 3 Jan 20057 Jan 2005


Conference31st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference - 2005
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityLake Buena Vista, FL

Bibliographical note

For preprint version see NREL/CP-520-36472

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-520-38870


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