Experimental Validation of Models of a Hull-Based Tuned Mass Damper System for a Semisubmersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Platform: Article No. 012067

Lu Wang, Roger Bergua, Amy Robertson, Jason Jonkman, Tri Ngo, Tuhin Das, Doyal Sarker, Francesc Fabregas Flavia, Robert Harries, Matthew Fowler, Eben Lenfest, Juan Lopez Muro, Laurent Burlion, Onur Bilgen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus Citations


Floating offshore wind turbine designs can be further optimized if the controller and remaining systems are designed together, known as control co-design. To effectively perform control co-design, modeling tools predicting the influence of the control systems on the response of a system must be validated. This article presents an experimental validation that utilizes a scale model of a semisubmersible platform for an offshore wind turbine that is fitted with adjustable tuned mass dampers. These dampers can be tuned to attenuate either the hull-pitch resonance or the tower-bending resonance. The data from the experiment are used to validate state-of-the-art modeling tools. It is shown that the models capture the overall effects of the tuned mass dampers; however, some models overpredict the reduction in platform pitch motion when the dampers are tuned to the pitch resonance. The relative reduction in the tower-base bending moment is more consistently captured by the models when the dampers are tuned to the tower-bending resonance. However, there are significant differences in the absolute level of tower-base bending moment between the models and the experiment. Much of the differences observed are a consequence of the challenge with accurately predicting the baseline platform resonance motion and the tower-bending moment, which should be addressed in future modeling efforts.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
StatePublished - 2023

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-5000-86038


  • control co-design
  • experiment
  • load mitigation
  • model scale
  • offshore wind
  • tuned mass damper
  • validation


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