Flow Reactor Autoignition Kinetic Mechanism Development and Validation

Research output: NRELManagement


The purpose of this project was to first upgrade an existing reactor system with improved analytical capability, and second to apply this capability to reveal important aspects of autoignition and soot precursor formation mechanisms that are not revealed by other experiments. The concept is to use a straight quartz tube flow reactor coupled to a dual gas chromatographic (GC) system that can accurately measure, while simultaneously identifying (via a mass spectrometer) the auto-ignition products generated over a wide temperature range. Various residence times as well as oxygen ratios can also be investigated in this apparatus. The system combines five detectors to quantitate a wide range of products, including oxygenates, hydrocarbons, light gases (such as methane and acetylene), carbon dioxide (CO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). An older version of this reactor developed in FY17 was used to develop a small volume approach to prediction of research octane number and octane sensitivity (Lunderman, et al., 2018). The project was jointly funded by the Vehicle Technologies and Bioenergy Technologies Offices.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 2020

Bibliographical note

See the Vehicle Technologies Office Advanced Engine and Fuel Technologies 2019 Annual Progress Report at https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2020/06/f75/VTO_2019_APR_ADV_FUEL_COMPILED_REPORT_compliant%20052020_0.pdf

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/MP-5400-72765


  • autoignition kinetics
  • flow reactor
  • soot formation


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