Formation of 6H-Ba3Ce0.75Mn2.25O9 During Thermochemical Reduction of 12R-Ba4CeMn3O12: Identification of a Polytype in the Ba(Ce,Mn)O3 Family

Nicholas Strange, James Park, Anuj Goyal, Robert Bell, Jamie Trindell, Joshua Sugar, Kevin Stone, Eric Coker, Stephan Lany, Sarah Shulda, David Ginley

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7 Scopus Citations


The resurgence of interest in a hydrogen economy and the development of hydrogen-related technologies has initiated numerous research and development efforts aimed at making the generation, storage, and transportation of hydrogen more efficient and affordable. Solar thermochemical hydrogen production (STCH) is a process that potentially exhibits numerous benefits such as high reaction efficiencies, tunable thermodynamics, and continued performance over extended cycling. Although CeO2 has been the de facto standard STCH material for many years, more recently 12R-Ba4CeMn3O12 (BCM) has demonstrated enhanced hydrogen production at intermediate H2/H2O conditions compared to CeO2, making it a contender for large-scale hydrogen production. However, the thermo-reduction stability of 12R-BCM dictates the oxygen partial pressure (pO2) and temperature conditions optimal for cycling. In this study, we identify the formation of a 6H-BCM polytype at high temperature and reducing conditions, experimentally and computationally, as a mechanism and pathway for 12R-BCM decomposition. 12R-BCM was synthesized with high purity and then controllably reduced using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) data is used to identify the formation of a 6H-Ba3Ce0.75Mn2.25O9 (6H-BCM) polytype that is formed at 1350 °C under strongly reducing pO2. Density functional theory (DFT) total energy and defect calculations show a window of thermodynamic stability for the 6H-polytype consistent with the XRD results. These data provide the first evidence of the 6H-BCM polytype and could provide a mechanistic explanation for the superior water-splitting behaviors of 12R-BCM.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)6128-6137
Number of pages10
JournalInorganic Chemistry
Issue number16
StatePublished - 25 Apr 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-5K00-81381


  • layered perovskite
  • oxide
  • polytype
  • STCH
  • thermochemistry


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