Forming High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells Using Density-Graded Anti-Reflection Surfaces

Matthew Page (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method (50) is provided for processing a graded-density AR silicon surface (14) to provide effective surface passivation. The method (50) includes positioning a substrate or wafer (12) with a silicon surface (14) in a reaction or processing chamber (42). The silicon surface (14) has been processed (52) to be an AR surface with a density gradient or region of black silicon. The method (50)continues with heating (54) the chamber (42) to a high temperature for both doping and surface passivation. The method (50) includes forming (58), with a dopant-containing precursor in contact with the silicon surface (14) of the substrate (12), an emitter junction (16) proximate to the silicon surface (14) by doping the substrate (12). The method (50) further includes, while the chamber ismaintained at the high or raised temperature, forming (62) a passivation layer (19) on the graded-density silicon anti-reflection surface (14).
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number8,828,765
Filing date9/09/14
StatePublished - 2014

Bibliographical note

Assignee: Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC (Golden, CO)

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5J00-62990


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