title = "Fuel Diversification to Improve Transportation Resilience in Tampa Bay, FL",
abstract = "The poster summarizes the work to date helping Tampa Bay develop its transportation fuel resilience plan. It will be presented at the TRB resilience workshop. This is the poster version of a publication that has already been published: https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy19osti/73743.pdf. The only difference is the addition of the last two slides on the poster.",
keywords = "alternative fuels, CNG, compressed natural gas, diversification, electric vehicles, fuel, natural disasters, propane, resilience",
author = "Caley Johnson and Erin Nobler and Jeffrey Cappellucci and Alexander Kolpakov and Austin Sipiora",
year = "2019",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at Transportation Resilience 2019: 2nd International Conference on Transportation System Resilience to Natural Hazards and Extreme Weather, 13-15 November 2019, Tampa, Florida",
type = "Other",