title = "Fuel Property Characterization and Prediction",
abstract = "The Fuel Property Characterization and Prediction effect with the Co-Optimization of Fuels and Engines (Co-Optima) initiative is focused on the measurement or prediction of key fuel properties. Efforts under the Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) have focused on understanding how fuel evaporation phenomena can impact auto-ignition, mixing, and pollutant formation by studying the most important azeotropic interactions between alcohols and gasoline components utilizing a novel Differential Scanning Calorimetry/Thermogravimetric Analysis instrument coupled to a Mass Spectrometer (DSC/TGA/MS). In another effort, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements were utilized to understand how oxygenate clusters and networks contribute to vapor pressure effects. This is critical for predicting fuel droplet evaporation and effects on combustion. A method was developed on the Advanced Fuel Ignition Delay Analyzer (AFIDA) to rapidly measure the Research Octane Number (RON) and Sensitivity (S) of samples utilizing small volumes, which will aid in the pace of development of new fuels having targeted properties. Additionally, the AFIDA was employed to develop a method for fast measurement of phi-sensitivity in a bench-scale test that will allow studies of molecular structure effects on mechanism kinetics of this poorly understood kinetic phenomena. A flow reactor was also utilized to investigate the mechanistic basis of phi-sensitivity by identifying and quantitating key species in autoignition mechanisms that can explain phi-sensitivity. The outcomes of these efforts will help ensure that the Co-Optima program can advance the underlying science needed to develop biomass-derived-fuel and advanced engine technologies that will work in tandem to achieve Co-Optima's efficiency, environmental, and economic goals.",
keywords = "AFIDA, biomass-derived-fuel, Co-Optima, DSC/TGA/MS, flow reactor, heat of vaporization, phi sensitivity",
author = "Gina Fioroni and Bradley Zigler and Jon Luecke and Abhijit Dutta and Robert McCormick and T. Bays and E. Polikarpov and C. Taatjes",
year = "2019",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the 2019 Vehicle Technologies Office Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting, 10-13 June 2019, Arlington, Virginia",
type = "Other",