Full Vehicle Simulation for Series Hybrid Vehicles

John A. MacBain, Joseph J. Conover, Aaron D. Brooker

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

6 Scopus Citations


Delphi and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) collaborated to develop a simulation code to model the mechanical and electrical architectures of a series hybrid vehicle simultaneously. This co-simulation code is part of the larger ADVISOR® product created by NREL and diverse partners. Simulation of the macro power flow in a series hybrid vehicle requires both the mechanical drivetrain and the entire electrical architecture. It is desirable to solve the electrical network equations in an environment designed to comprehend such a network and solve the equations in terms of current and voltage. The electrical architecture for the series hybrid vehicle has been modeled in Saber™ to achieve these goals. This electrical architecture includes not only the high-voltage battery, generator, and traction motor, but also the normal low-voltage bus (14V) with loads common to all vehicles. The co-simulation version of the series hybrid model retains some of ADVISOR's standard series vehicle model elements such as the mechanical drivetrain, the fuel converter, and the series hybrid control strategy. The electrical architecture is simulated in Saber, which is controlled via ADVISOR's menu structure. ADVISOR communicates with Saber through a co-simulation arrangement, allowing a system-level solution to progress. The open code permits the end user to implement vehicle-specific series hybrid control strategies. This paper covers technical materials including: A brief overview of the co-simulation concept The electrical component and system models in Saber necessary for the series hybrid vehicle architecture The series hybrid control strategy used for co-simulation and its integration into ADVISOR Discussion of sample results from the co-simulation of ADVISOR's baseline series hybrid vehicle Demonstration of the ability to co-simulate the propulsion and electrical systems for ADVISOR's default series hybrid vehicle.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2003
EventSAE International Future Transportation Technology conference - Costa Mesa, California
Duration: 23 Jun 200325 Jun 2003


ConferenceSAE International Future Transportation Technology conference
CityCosta Mesa, California

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-540-33673


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