title = "Gaps in the Design Process: NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)",
abstract = "The design of offshore wind plants is a relatively new field. The move into U.S. waters will have unique environmental conditions, as well as expectations from the authorities responsible for managing the development. Wind turbines are required to test their assumed design conditions with the site conditions of the plant. There are still some outstanding issues on how we can assure that the design for both the turbine and the foundation are appropriate for the site and will have an acceptable level of risk associated with the particular installation.",
keywords = "design criteria, offshore wind, probability of failure, reliability, site assessment, site suitability",
author = "Paul Veers",
year = "2016",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the Business Network for Offshore Wind 2016 International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum, 2-5 October 2016, Newport, Rhode Island",
type = "Other",