Gearbox Reliability Collaborative Phase 3 Gearbox 2 Test Plan

Jon Keller, Yi Guo, Hal Link

Research output: NRELTechnical Report


Gearboxes in wind turbines have not been achieving their expected design life even though they commonly meet or exceed the design criteria specified in current design standards. One of the basic premises of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Gearbox Reliability Collaborative (GRC) is that the low gearbox reliability results from the absence of critical elements in the design processor insufficient design tools. Key goals of the GRC are to improve design approaches and analysis tools and to recommend practices and test methods resulting in improved design standards for wind turbine gearboxes that lower the cost of energy (COE) through improved reliability. The GRC uses a combined gearbox testing, modeling and analysis approach, along with a database of information fromgearbox failures collected from overhauls and investigation of gearbox condition monitoring techniques to improve wind turbine operations and maintenance practices. Testing of Gearbox 2 (GB2) using the two-speed turbine controller that has been used in prior testing. This test series will investigate non-torque loads, high-speed shaft misalignment, and reproduction of field conditions in thedynamometer. This test series will also include vibration testing using an eddy-current brake on the gearbox's high speed shaft.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages105
StatePublished - 2013

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/TP-5000-58190


  • dynamometers
  • gearboxes
  • null
  • reliability
  • test plan
  • testing


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