H-2 Storage in Microporous Carbons from PEEK Precursors

Thomas P. McNicholas, Anmiao Wang, Kevin O'Neill, Robert J. Anderson, Nicholas P. Stadie, Alfred Kleinhammes, Philip Parilla, Lin Simpson, Channing C. Ahn, Yanqin Wang, Yue Wu, Jie Liu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

32 Scopus Citations


Large surface area (524-3275 m2/g) microporous carbons (MPCs) derived from poly (etheretherketone), or PEEK, have been synthesized and categorized for their roles as H2 storage materials. It was found that, because of their very large surface areas (≥3000 m2/g), larg cumulative pore volumes (∼ 1.7 cm3/g), and small pore sizes (predominantly ≤ nm), these materials displayed impressive H2 sorption properties, including excess gravimetric and volumetric H2 storage capacities of approximately 5 wt % and 35 g/L, respectively, at 77 K and 20 bar.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)13902-13908
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Issue number32
StatePublished - 19 Aug 2010

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-590-49278


  • alternative fuel
  • H2
  • PEEK


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