High-Efficiency, Monolithic, Multi-Bandgap, Tandem Photovoltaic Energy Converters

Mark Wanlass (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    A monolithic, multi-bandgap, tandem solar photovoltaic converter has at least one, and preferably at least two, subcells grown lattice-matched on a substrate with a bandgap in medium to high energy portions of the solar spectrum and at least one subcell grown lattice-mismatched to the substrate with a bandgap in the low energy portion of the solar spectrum, for example, about 1 eV.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Patent number8,067,687
    StatePublished - 2011

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/PT-5200-53632


    • converter
    • monolithic
    • multi-bandgap
    • tandem solar photovoltaic


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