High Octane Synthetic Fuels

Jesse Hensley (Inventor), Daniel Ruddy (Inventor), Joshua Schaidle (Inventor), Connor Nash (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present disclosure relates to a mixture that includes a first portion that includes at least one of a paraffin and/or a naphthene having between 5 carbons and 13 carbons, inclusively, at a first concentration between about 75 wt% and about 99 wt%, and a second portion that includes hydrocarbons having greater than 13 carbons at a second concentration of less than 0.05 wt%.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number12,049,597 B2
Filing date30/07/24
StatePublished - 2024

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5100-90782


  • cyclohexane
  • cyclopentane
  • naphthene
  • paraffin


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