High-Performance Photovoltaic Project: Identifying Critical Pathways; Kickoff Meeting, 18 October 2001, NREL (Viewgraphs Only)

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    The High Performance Photovoltaic Project held a Kickoff Meeting in October, 2001. This booklet contains the presentations given by subcontractors and in-house teams at that meeting. The areas of subcontracted research under the HiPer project include Polycrystalline Thin Films and Multijunction Concentrators. The in-house teams in this initiative will focus on three areas: 1.) High-PerformanceThin-Film Team-leads the investigation of tandem structures and low-flux concentrators, 2.) High-Efficiency Concepts and Concentrators Team-an expansion of an existing team that leads the development of high-flux concentrators, and 3.) Thin-Film Process Integration Team-will perform fundamental process and characterization research, to resolve the complex issues of making thin-film multijunctiondevices.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages121
    StatePublished - 2001

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/BK-520-31284


    • high efficiency
    • high-performance
    • low-flux
    • multijunction concentrators
    • NCPV
    • photovoltaics (PV)
    • polycrystalline thin films
    • PV


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