High-Pressure, Liquid-Encapsulated Directional Solidification of Copper-Deficient Copper Indium Selenides

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    With CuInSe2 polycrystalline thin films approaching 17% total-area photovoltaic efficiencies, there is strong interest in the characterization of single-crystal copper indium selenides. The surface of these films is often composed of a very thin layer of copper-deficient material with compositions in the 62.5-75 mole% In2Se3 region on the Cu2Se/In2Se3 pseudobinary tie line. Growth oflarge-grained ingots in this region has been accomplished. The liquid-encapsulated directional solidification technique in 70 atmospheres of argon was used because of the volatile nature of selenium at elevated temperatures. Crystal growth parameters, electro-optical characterization, and X-ra y diffraction data will be presented.
    Original languageAmerican English
    Number of pages9
    StatePublished - 1995
    EventCrystal Growth of Novel Electronic Materials: 97th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society - Cincinnati, Ohio
    Duration: 1 May 19953 May 1995


    ConferenceCrystal Growth of Novel Electronic Materials: 97th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society
    CityCincinnati, Ohio

    NREL Publication Number

    • NREL/CP-451-7725


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