Improved Evaluation of Large Network Matrices for Linear Power Flow Within Optimization Problems: Preprint

Alessandro Francesco Castelli, Jose Daniel Lara

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This work discusses methods for evaluating the Power Transfer Distribution Factor (PTDF) and Line Outage Distribution Factor (LODF) matrices by employing sparse linear algebra for large-scale computing applications. These matrices are critical in many power systems applications, such as the Unit Commitment Problem (UC), pre- and post-contingency power flow analysis, and transmission expansion. These matrices are typically dense, which means they require a significant amount of time and memory to be computed for large networks. However, by analyzing the structure of the matrices and their computation method, it is possible to use reduced memory methods based on sparse matrix operations. This paper shows that sparse linear algebra algorithms are faster and require less memory and time than traditional dense approaches. Additionally, we explore the effect of matrix sparsification by eliminating trailing digits on power flow calculations.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2024
EventIEEE General Meeting - Seattle, Washington
Duration: 21 Jul 202425 Jul 2024


ConferenceIEEE General Meeting
CitySeattle, Washington

Bibliographical note

See NREL/CP-6A40-91907 for paper as published in proceedings

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-6A40-88141


  • large scale
  • power flow
  • sparse linear algebra


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