Improvements in Optical Surface Measurement Using Reflected Computer Vision Targets

Devon Kesseli, Daniel Tsvankin, Tucker Farrell, Rebecca Mitchell, Milo Davis, Guangdong Zhu

Research output: NRELPresentation


Since 2021, NREL has been developing a system to measure heliostats by measuring the deflection of printed computer vision targets, called the Reflected Target Non-intrusive Assessment (ReTNA) [6], [7]. While this system will have lower resolution than a fringe deflectometry system, it has several important advantages that make it a complimentary technology: 2D surface slope measurement can be generated from a single image, it can operate in ambient lighting, target points can be directly located in 3D space with photogrammetry allowing for a non-flat target, and it's well suited to using a smaller target, and multiple images to measure larger optical surfaces. ReTNA has undergone several significant changes and improvements, described below. This talk will summarize new system layouts designed for commercial use, new computer vision algorithms used to automate the analysis process and validation campaigns for the ReTNA software.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages20
StatePublished - 2024

Publication series

NamePresented at the 30th SolarPACES Conference, 8-11 October 2024, Rome, Italy

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PR-5700-91555


  • computer vision
  • concentrated solar
  • deflectometry
  • heliostat
  • metrology
  • optics
  • photogrammetry
  • reflection


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