In situ Optical Diagnostic for Monitoring or Control of Sodium Diffusion in Photovoltaics Manufacturing

Dean Levi (Inventor), Stephen Glynn (Inventor), Miguel Contreras (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method of fabricating a photovoltaic device 100, includes the steps of providing a glass substrate 102, depositing a molybdenum layer 104 on a surface of the glass substrate, directing light through the glass substrate to the near-substrate region of the molybdenum layer 206, detecting an optical property of the near-substrate region of the molybdenum layer after interaction with the incident light 208 and determining a density of the near-substrate region of the molybdenum layer from the detected optical property 210. A molybdenum deposition parameter may be controlled based upon the determined density of the near-substrate region of the molybdenum layer 218. A non-contact method measures a density of the near-substrate region of a molybdenum layer and a deposition chamber 300.
Original languageAmerican English
Patent number9,136,184 B2
Filing date15/09/15
StatePublished - 2015

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PT-5J00-65247


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