title = "Insights from NREL{\textquoteright}s Electrification Futures and LA100 Studies",
abstract = "Electrification of end-use technologies could have important implications for bulk power sector planning, operations, and impacts. By combining previously-defined electrification scenarios with capacity expansion modeling, we evaluate the potential challenges and opportunities associated with electrification. Our scenario analysis reveals that electrification reduces energy consumption and air emissions from across the energy sector, and its impacts on energy system costs are modest due, in part, to the abundance of low-cost resources in the United States.",
keywords = "capacity expansion modeling, decarbonization, demand-side flexibility, electrification, ReEDS",
author = "Caitlin Murphy",
year = "2021",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the Sacramento Municipal Utility District Board, 12 January 2021",
type = "Other",