title = "Insights on Nuclear Energy from Long-Term System Models: Inter-Model Comparison Results",
abstract = "A variety of US electric power sector capacity expansion models are used by decision makers and analysts to evaluate competition among generation, transmission, and storage technologies to meeting the demands of the system. CEMs use least-cost optimization to identify optimal portfolios of investments capable of satisfying all specified requirements. While CEMs are a useful tool to inform pathways to meet future needs, projections can differ significantly between tools for apparently similar scenario assumptions. Differences in model structure, scope, and input assumption contribute to this issue. This work compares model response with harmonization between four modeling teams on issues significant to the representation and development of nuclear energy.",
keywords = "capacity expansion model, model intercomparison, nuclear",
author = "Jonathan Ho and Caitlin Murphy and Wesley Cole",
year = "2022",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the EPRI Washington Seminar Series, 26 May 2022, Washington, D.C.",
type = "Other",