Integrating Offshore Wind Into Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ) for the Philippines

Research output: NRELPresentation


The Philippines is aiming to jumpstart a domestic offshore wind industry and has incorporated offshore wind into several planning efforts. In parallel, the Philippines has also been a leader in incorporating renewable energy zones (REZs) into their power sector development and transmission plans. The objective of this study, conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in partnership with the Philippines Department of Energy (PDOE), is to incorporate offshore wind resources into the Philippines' already established competitive renewable energy zones (CREZs) to support national transmission planning, thereby merging these two previously disparate workstreams and implementing a key recommendation from the World Bank's offshore wind roadmap for the Philippines.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages31
StatePublished - 2025

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PR-7A40-92314


  • fixed-bottom turbines
  • floating turbines
  • offshore wind
  • Philippines
  • renewable energy zones (REZ)
  • reV model
  • transmission planning
  • wind


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