International Energy Agency Ocean Energy Systems Task 10 Wave Energy Converter Modeling Verification and Validation: Preprint

Fabian Wendt, Yi-Hsiang Yu, Kim Nielsen, Kelley Ruehl, Tim Bunnik, Imanol Touzon, Bo Nam, Jeong Kim, Carl Janson, Ken-Robert Jakobsen, Sarah Crowley, Luis Vega, Krishnakimar Rajagopalan, Thomas Mathai, Deborah Greaves, Edward Ransley, Paul Lamont-Kane, Wanan Sheng, Ronan Costello, Ben KennedySarah Thomas, Pilar Heras, Harry Bingham, Adi Kurniawan, Morten Kramer, David Ogden, Samuel Girardin, Aurelien Babarit, Pierre-Yves Wuillaume, Dean Steinke, Andre Roy, Scott Beatty, Paul Schofield, Kyong-Hwan Kim, Johan Jansson, Johan Hoffman

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


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