title = "Intersections of Disadvantaged Communities and Renewable Energy Potential: Data Set and Analysis to Inform Equitable Investment Prioritization in the United States",
abstract = "Renewable energy development can bolster local economies through job creation, local tax revenues, and reduced energy costs; however, communities most in need of economic development and employment opportunities often see lower levels of renewable energy deployment. We sought to identify areas where disadvantaged community indicators and high generation potential from cost-effective renewable energy opportunities intersect and deployment could lead to economic development and job creation. This presentation will highlight several of our findings. This research and the associated county-level data set are intended to inform national- and state-level energy-related assistance programs, economic development efforts, and infrastructure programs seeking to prioritize investments in disadvantaged communities.",
keywords = "community energy planning, equity, land-based wind, renewable energy development, utility solar",
author = "Liz Ross",
year = "2022",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at the Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change (BECC) Conference, 13-16 November 2022, Washington, D.C.",
type = "Other",