Inverter Intensive Hybrid Power Plant Modeling with Small-Signal Stability Augmentation through Flexible Operation Mode Transition

Lizhi Ding, Junhui Zhang, Xiaonan Lu, Shuan Dong, Andy Hoke, Jin Tan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus Citations


Hybrid power plants (HPPs) prompt the penetration of inverter-based renewable energy sources (RES) in transmission systems; however, given their low-inertia nature, HPPs are dominated by power electronic inverters, so there are inevitable challenges in system stability when increasing numbers of HPPs are integrated into the modern power grids. To boost the penetration level of HPPs without jeopardizing system stability, it is desirable to equip them with operational characteristics (i.e., grid-forming capabilities) that are comparable to those of conventional power plants dominated by synchronous generators (SGs). In this paper, a holistic model of inverter intensive HPP is derived and a bi-level hierarchical control is developed to allow HPPs to flexibly switch among the designed operation modes (i.e., P-Q, P-V, and isochronous modes). Compared to SGs, which have limited controllability, the operation mode of each HPP could vary as requested. Such flexible mode transitions could be integrated into the secondary plant-level control and be leveraged as an additional control degree to further augment system stability. Further, the system small-signal stability margin is quantified with varying HPP operation modes. More importantly, modal analysis is thereby conducted to quantify the impacts of mode transition on the system oscillatory modes. The effectiveness of the proposed HPP bi-level hierarchical control is verified using extensive case studies based on the simplified real-world island power grid, and the results validate that the system small-signal stability margin can be enhanced with the additional degree of control flexibility enabled by HPP operation mode transition. The real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) results are also provided to verify the proposed method.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)6053-6065
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2024

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/JA-5D00-90546


  • grid-forming control
  • hybrid power plant
  • operation mode transition
  • small-signal stability


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