title = "Investigating Main and High-Speed Shaft Bearing Reliability through Uptower Testing",
abstract = "The most prevalent failure modes in wind turbine drivetrains are main bearing failures stemming from micropitting, white etching or axial cracks in gearbox bearings, and generator bearing failures. These failures are neither well understood nor accounted for in design standards; consequently, the mitigation strategies being developed and fielded may only partially address the physics of failure and can take years to assess. The U.S. Department of Energy continues to support research programs to investigate the influence of rolling element sliding on the formation of bearing axial cracks and main bearing micropitting.",
keywords = "drivetrain, failures, micropitting, rolling element sliding, wind energy, wind turbine",
author = "Jonathan Keller",
year = "2018",
language = "American English",
series = "Presented at Drivetrain Reliability Collaborative Meeting, 20-21 February 2018, Golden, Colorado",
type = "Other",