Investigation of a Multi-Rotor Triboelectric Nanogenerator Using a Modular Flexible Circuit Board Stack

Calum Kenny, Tavis Peterson

Research output: NRELPresentation


Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) are a nascent class of energy harvester that are being explored for scavenging energy from small ocean waves. To date, they have been integrated in wave energy converters (WECs) designed to capture random motion caused by the perturbations of the ocean surface. Blue economy applications such as ocean observation can benefit greatly from more substantial wave-derived power, as such, the power output of existing TENG WECs must be increased several-fold to become viable. This study describes the conceptualization of a rotary TENG, and the subsequent efforts to increase its power output by stacking multiple stator and rotor pairs. In the latter part of this study, we introduce a novel means of incorporating a friction element into the design of the TENG by employing flexible printed circuit board (PCB) rotors. At rest, these flexible rotors will contact the stator, building static charges due to friction, at speed, these flexible rotors will be decoupled from the stator, reducing friction and allowing faster rotation. Initial results indicate that the power output of the flexible PCB rotor does not produce more power than a rigid, acrylic disk rotor, however the current output of the prototype is boosted, and the prototype is far more compact, allowing for a higher energy density than the rigid rotor prototype.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages20
StatePublished - 2024

Publication series

NamePresented at the Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 20-24 October 2024, Busan, South Korea

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/PR-5700-91710


  • bench testing
  • distributed embedded energy converter
  • printed circuit board
  • TENG
  • triboelectric
  • triboelectric nanogenerators


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