Investigation of Response Amplitude Operators for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines: Preprint

Amy Robertson

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This paper examines the consistency between response amplitude operators (RAOs) computed from WAMIT, a linear frequency-domain tool, to RAOs derived from time-domain computations based on white-noise wave excitation using FAST, a nonlinear aero-hydro-servo-elastic tool. The RAO comparison is first made for a rigid floating wind turbine without wind excitation. The investigation is furtherextended to examine how these RAOs change for a flexible and operational wind turbine. The RAOs are computed for below-rated, rated, and above-rated wind conditions. The method is applied to a floating wind system composed of the OC3-Hywind spar buoy and NREL 5-MW wind turbine. The responses are compared between FAST and WAMIT to verify the FAST model and to understand the influence ofstructural flexibility, aerodynamic damping, control actions, and waves on the system responses. The results show that based on the RAO computation procedure implemented, the WAMIT- and FAST-computed RAOs are similar (as expected) for a rigid turbine subjected to waves only. However, WAMIT is unable to model the excitation from a flexible turbine. Further, the presence of aerodynamic dampingdecreased the platform surge and pitch responses, as computed by both WAMIT and FAST when wind was included. Additionally, the influence of gyroscopic excitation increased the yaw response, which was captured by both WAMIT and FAST.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 2013
Event23rd International Ocean, Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference ? ISOPE 2013 - Anchorage, Alaska
Duration: 30 Jun 20135 Jul 2013


Conference23rd International Ocean, Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference ? ISOPE 2013
CityAnchorage, Alaska

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5000-58098


  • floating offshore wind turbines
  • OC3-hywind spar
  • RAO
  • response amplitude operator


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