Laboratory Testing of Drivetrain Component Efficiencies for Constant-Speed and Variable-Speed Wind Turbines: 4 November 1997 --3 November 2000

Research output: NRELSubcontract Report


Under a subcontract with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Electronic Power Conditioning, Inc., (EPC) designed, built, and tested variable-speed generator systems (VSGS) as retrofits for two different existing fixed-speed turbine designs. The VSGS were tested in the laboratory and in the field. EPC lab testing included both the original P3 induction generator at fixed speed and thedoubly-fed generator / power converter VSGS system that EPC designed for variable-speed operation of P3. The fixed-speed induction generator had higher efficiency than the VSGS at all power levels.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages46
StatePublished - 2002

Bibliographical note

Work performed by Global Energy Concepts, LLC, Kirkland, Washington

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/SR-500-30117


  • constant-speed wind turbines
  • drivetrain component efficiency
  • turbine retrofits
  • variable speed wind turbines
  • wind technology


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