Learning with Adaptive Conservativeness for Distributionally Robust Optimization: Incentive Design for Voltage Regulation: Preprint

Zhirui Liang, Qi Li, Joshua Comden, Andrey Bernstein, Yury Dvorkin

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Information asymmetry between the Distribution System Operator (DSO) and Distributed Energy Resource Aggregators (DERAs) obstructs designing effective incentives for voltage regulation. To capture this effect, we employ a Stackelberg game-theoretic framework, where the DSO seeks to overcome the information asymmetry and refine its incentive strategies by learning from DERA behavior over multiple iterations. We introduce a model-based online learning algorithm for the DSO, aimed at inferring the relationship between incentives and DERA responses. Given the uncertain nature of these responses, we also propose a distributionally robust incentive design model to control the probability of voltage regulation failure and then reformulate it into a convex problem. This model allows the DSO to periodically revise distribution assumptions on uncertain parameters in the decision model of the DERA. Finally, we present a gradient-based method that permits the DSO to adaptively modify its conservativeness level, measured by the size of a Wasserstein metric-based ambiguity set, according to historical voltage regulation performance. The effectiveness of our proposed method is demonstrated through numerical experiments.
Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages11
StatePublished - 2024
Event2024 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - Milan, Italy
Duration: 16 Dec 202419 Dec 2024


Conference2024 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
CityMilan, Italy

NREL Publication Number

  • NREL/CP-5D00-90853


  • distribution system operator
  • game theory
  • incentives
  • voltage regulation


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